In An Instant

By MrRosewarne

'Mt. Feathertop Vista'


We got up this morning, had weetbix for breakfast and packed up camp by around 8:30am. Then we drove up to the top of Mt.Hotham, parked the car at the Diamantina Hut and started on our hike along the Razorback Ridge to Mt.Feathertop (Victoria's second highest Peak at 1922m). The hike was mainly in mild low 20's degrees with a nice slight breeze and sunny skies. It took us around 5 hours to complete the 11km to our camp just below the summit. But with only about 750m to go, I ended up feeling pretty crook suffering from heat stroke and by the time we got to our camp site all I could do was lay down with a wet hat, t shirt and cold face washer on the back of my neck to try and cool down.

After a few hours of a nap I felt much better and we cooked up our dehydrated pasta for dinner.

As the sun was fading this was the view from just above our campsite looking out across the many mountain peaks looking back towards Harrietville in the North West.

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