

Met up with everyone in the centre and wandered up to the castle at the top of the hill. It was beautiful and the views were amazing, even if we did spend far too long standing around looking at peacocks.

Grabbed a coffee and then somehow ended up taking a 30 minute tuktuk (including some dual carriage ways) to a beautiful cathedral, which was also beautiful but where it also tipped down.

Went out for dinner, had some drinks in the hostel bar, and then foolishly let the boys decide where to go out. Ended up driving 20 minutes outside of Lisbon to go to a club on the docks, which did end up being pretty funky but also extremely expensive. It had a weird card payment system which was sneaky as we all lost track of how much we were spending. Danced until 5 or so and then headed home for some much needed sleep where Alex was all curled up on the sofa under a duvet waiting up to let me in.

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