Jones Journal

By MeeshJ

Nurse Eddie

It's been a rough few days. H has had a serious allergic reaction to some medication. On Sunday she'd got hives on her legs and I gave her antihistamine. Yesterday morning we were both expecting them to be gone but instead she was covered head to foot. Over the space of a few hours she was much worse and her face was swollen and her mouth blistering. I managed to get her an appointment but the doctor seemed unconcerned about the rash, he didn't want to give her steroids and didn't prescribe any different antihistamine, just told me to keep an eye on her breathing in case of anaphylaxis. Minimal improvement today so I've been to our local pharmacist for advice. She was extremely shocked, suffering from allergies herself she said H should've been given steroids that probably would've cleared it yesterday or possibly sent to hospital as soon as I mentioned swelling to the doctor. I wish I'd known that before, H is now making slow progress with new antihistamine, better than nothing I suppose.

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