Wide Angle Wednesday: Unheroic Failure

In attempt to meet Hobbs' Forced Perspective challenge (https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2273348628766526931)
I persuaded Tess (whose turn it is today to be laid low by Sophie's cold) to join me on a walk from one end of Street to the other looking for suitable subjects.

I obviously hadn't read the tips Hobbs offered carefully enough as I found it all far more tricky than expected: The Tor proved too far away; directing Tess as to exactly where she needed to put her hand in the frame proved likely to lead to marital disharmony and getting both hand and iconic landmark in focus proved simply beyond me (On reflection, I've realised that in the general hurly burly I was using the wrong end of the aperture scale!)

The nearest I got to anything vaguely meeting the challenge is in extras

Instead you have the one decent, if uninspiring, wide angle shot I managed to take, sans hands. At least it might appeal to the pylon enthusiasts among our number.

A very pleasing and unexpected win for Yeovil last night.

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