Valley to Valley

The view from Torfichen Hill over the Forth coast from the Pentland Hills and Edinburgh on the left and the loooong descent to East Lothian on the right. This spot is at the end of the climb out of the valley from Innerleithen about 10 miles to the south. At Inners (as we all call it) you're in the River Tweed valley, and once I'd descended into East Lothian I followed the Tyne valley to the sea, right by home. A great way to end a great cycling break. I was really lucky with the weather, but especially today with a strong wind behind me and the sun shining for all 55 miles home from Peebles to West Barns.

Big and Blowy.

This morning I was packed up pretty quick and out after time for a coffee with maps outside the wigwam. What a great place to stay!

Then a long and very enjoyable ride from the Tweed valley to the Tyne valley and the coast.

About 5 miles from home, I stopped in East Linton for a beer and Bruce recognised my bike, stopped his car on the way out for a ride and came in for a chat. Really nice!

Now it's putting the children to bed after trying on our new wetsuits - Malcolm and I finally have wetsuits that fit us! So, that's a likely activity for the weekend...

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