Thank you

Dear Blippers

Thank you so much for your lovely comments. I feel bad for not replying to you individually and not visiting you as frequently as I would like.

I have to be honest and admit that this year is not the greatest for me. Nick's missed milestones hurt a lot and I am feeling a bit down about this year in particular. So funny that this platform is the one place I can be real. Perhaps because you are all anonymous with the exception of one lovely lady in Ireland! :)

I am loving that I have chosen to capture and share a photo every day. Using my camera makes my heart sing, especially when I take photographs of flowers.

Today I withdrew from my Book Club and I feel relieved. They are lovely girls but I need a break from the continuous stream of conversations that revolve around their children... some of which who are the same age as Nick. Such is life!

Thank you again for your support. xx

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