Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Glad I got a Pentax...

Not a great start to today. I snapped a wee bloom before heading out the gate. That went ok. As I wandered up the road, with my camera happily on its sling strap at my left hip, I suddenly felt no weight on my shoulder, nor presence at my hip. The next instant, I heard a crash boom bitty-bang, as my K-30 tested out its bouncing ability on the asphalt.

Now. I have a habit of checking that the sling strap is tightly screwed-in to my camera - multiple times a day; multiple times during a ten-minute walk, in fact. I also, easily half the time, walk with the camera - still on its strap - held/cradled slightly in my left hand. So, what with those two factors, I have no idea how this morning, they both failed, and the camera made as to splat.

Heart. Sank.

Still powered on, once I'd popped the battery back in and shut the compartment. Still focused. Still took a picture ... That's odd though; it's really over-bright... Just confused because of the overcast and little mist is all ... Took a close-up of a tree to check that focus was still accurate ... near white-out. OMFG! :( Tried different conditions, different modes, and compared live-view with using the (optical) viewfinder. The SOOC jpgs, as shown during playback on the LCD screen, were worse than these, straight from RAW with no exposure tweaks, but you can still see there's a marked difference:

With Live-view]

Alice through the viewfinder.

So gutted.

Messed around with it a lot during my walks to and from stations in the morning. Loosened and reattached lens. Fiddled with exposure compensation, then returned that to normal. Shot a bunch of different scenes/light. ... And ... it seemed to right itself. And so far has stayed that way.

Life and hope, sprouting from what seemed a dead end/brick wall. But there is light. #cheesy

Wallr; Flickr.

SMC Pentax-DA 35mm f2.4; Raw Therapee.

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