Home again

We have had such a wonderful five days in Aberfoyle; it is a very eclectic group of people, but all ceilidh and country dancers, from Ayrshire in the south to Aberdeen in the north......the limit of numbers is 100, and there is always a waiting list.

We have classes in the morning and afternoon, and in the evening after dinner each night there is a dance.  And it is like a party every night.

The hotel is very comfortable, not opulent but warm and welcoming, and this year there has been a lot of upgrading done, which has been lovely for us to experience.

One of the highlights for me was being able to dance 'The Bees of Maggieknockater' with a dancer who was actually from the village of Maggieknockater...... he was very amused at my delight.

Last evening we had our last dance, and we were all quite emotional when Auld Lang Syne came around. 

Travelled home today in beautiful weather; we had mostly dull and wet over the last few days, Murphy's Law I think.

Just want to say thank you all so much for the lovely comments, stars and hearts over the last few days.  I was uploading with my tablet and it is a bit more difficult than normal.  I also apologise for not replying to your comments, but I just didn't have time......had to dance.......

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