Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

Isaac's Baptism

Today was a very special day for our family and especially my son Isaac. He got the sea just south of North Berwick at a place called Canty Bay.

Baptism is a public declaration of a person's desire to follow Jesus - that personal decision has already been made but thru baptism you are telliing the world that you want to follow Christ.

Both myself and Clare are christians and naturally we have brought both our boys up in the knowledge that they are loved and wanted by God....but the decision to follow Him is a personal one - one in which they may want to....or not.

No-one should force that decision...but it should be made freely.

So today was Isaac's turn to tell the world that he wants to follow Jesus. So after our church service, we all headed down to the beach and with 4 others, they were baptised - A great day....a special day....and I share it with you all now.

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