
By tnewman

Fredericksburg baptist church

What is going on in this photo?

This is an image of Fredericksburg baptist church. I went here for pre-school and church. It's a huge part of my life and it's downtown! I've met some lifelong friends here.

How is it related to a specific human geography concept from the current unit or previous units?

This image is related to the diffusion of Christianity. Christianity started in present day Israel. Jesus taught people around him his views. Missionaries helped Jesus by spreading his teachings to people all over the world.

Link the image to one of the 5 themes of geography with an explanation of how I relates.

This image is related to the movement theme. Christianity diffused all over the world. Back in the old days there was no technology. Missionaries physically moved around and taught people about the Christian religion. Overtime this is how it became a popular religion.

Word count- 108

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