Two Year Blip

I knew today would be a blip milestone, but would also be a busy one outside of blip, so I drove out first thing to capture the sunrise. Sadly for me my plan was foiled as the sun didn't want to come out from under the grey bedcovers! Plan b evolved and I stopped off in the woods near home in search of a macro blip.

This is Stereum hirsutum, Hairy Curtain Crust Fungus. It does as it's name suggests, have lots of tiny hairs. Apparently it's also tough, leathery & tasteless. Best leave it in the woods then.

So, blip dealt with, I helped Ian & Lois pack up ready to move house; popped home for lunch, took a friend out for tea and cake her birthday; popped back home to meet up with my parents, and drove to school for an outstanding concert followed by a scout meeting. Long day.

Philosophy Friday:
Well, I've been blipping two years, something I thought highly unlikely when I started. But it's become not only a well established daily habit, but far more importantly a community I feel a part of. Yes I invested in the CIC but as you all know it's far more than a monetary payment, it's a commitment of time in a shared interest about which a friendship circle has grown. Thank you all for your continued interest in my journal, for your humour and encouragement. You are all much appreciated. You've made me look for something positive every day even when sometimes it's been hard, you've inspired me to improve my photography and you've taught me lots through your own blips. So thank you all and carry on blipping!

Put your whole heart into everything you do because life will give you just what you put into it. - Maya Angelou

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