Click... click... BOOM!

By NoriMG


Today we went to the park so Caroline could help me with one of my New Year's Resolutions: to learn to use the camera better with manual settings. (And also... to play pokemon, let's be honest...) I'm pretty pleased for one of my first 'real go's! Not a masterpiece, don't get me wrong, but much better than I thought it would be for this one -- we were both spinning on a spinning see saw... which is fine when you're looking down the viewfinder, but as soon as you take your eye away... oh, HOW DIZZY. Turned me a bit green, to be honest, glad we didn't do too many shots before one turned out okay! We did swings, too, and Caroline "running" (read: jogging about grumpily and sliding on the mud) and were going to have a go at the flying fox, but a wee lad decided that the only reason two strange adults could possibly be standing with the equipment (and no other children) would be to help him ride it... 

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