The second half of life..

By twigs


In the shed yesterday I noticed I'd destroyed a very large and very new web :(  This chap must have been bummed about re-weaving it but there was another one there today.  I was almost excited when I saw the owner was haging proudly in the middle too - quick camera grab, super careful not to get too close and disturb him, a few clicks........then I touched the web and he was gone.  Aaarghhhh!!  Where?  Which direction?  I hate spiders, though I am now able to get close enough to ones like this if it means getting a picture!  The thought of one of them touching me though - eughhhhhhh!

Had wanted to head out in the van for the afternoon after I'd done some gardening this morning but found the van battery dead as a dodo.  AA man round to get me going and a suggestion I need to get the alternator belt tightened.  Ummmm......OK then.  In the meantime, I've taken it out for a drive to try to juice the battery up a bit.  Hoping to head over to Golden Bay tomorrow for the day.  It'll be an early start so best get to bed now.

G'night - sweet dreams!

PS if you look large you may be able to see his tiny wee claw on a left (as you look at him) leg, second from front.

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