
By jac1954

Naughty Gwennie

Gwennie found a dead mouse in the garden
We both saw it at the same time ..........
I felt at the time it would be better to grab Gwennie by the scruff.
As I did not relish picking up the dead mouse in my bare hand. .....,.......
Big mistake
Gwennie was not leaving her mouse behind
So as I grabbed her she growling flipped over and bit my index finger and the knuckle of my right hand.
So I got Gwennie in. And disposed of the poor mouse untouched
My finger did not bleed I did clean it and put a plaster on it.
It was hurting, by the time I got up next day every thing was angry hot and swollen.
Down to A & E. two types of antibiotics
Iodine pad bandage. No alcohol. And don't go in the sun.
I asked why did it not bleed. It's because of the shape of animals teeth puncture then seal back over locking in bacteria.

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