super super bat girl super

Eve and I headed out this afternoon so that:

(1) I could prove that the park still exists as she'd questioned its existence having not visited for a few weeks (due to wintry yuk and inconvenient school);
(2) we could hide from potty training for a little while... it's seriously twisting my melon (though I'll look back and claim it was a breeze, no doubt);
(3) I could stop off at a good spot for running little loop the loops (in a bid to untwist the aforementioned twisted melon) while she scooted to her heart's content.

We had a super time. She's a surprisingly good running buddy considering she's 4. Every now and then she shouted over to get me to have a chat break during which she updated me on her plans to become a super hero. It took a while to settle on a name but eventually she went with "Super Super Bat Girl Super" and named me "Super Woman Super Bat". She insisted that we travel home with our hoods up and coats billowing out behind us. When we got home she disappeared off to style her costume (of which I heartily approved).

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