
By Wildwood


Up early, we were allowed a cup of coffee by OilMan before jumping into the car and driving into the wasteland that is the Central Valley of California in August.

The windmills marching in serried ranks across the ridges of the hills in the Altamont Pass were photo worthy but too far away.

The road mileage signs--watching them dwindling from 485 miles to 0 gave us hope that we would eventually get there-- weren't too interesting otherwise.

Driving under the Los Angeles sign with a large interchange in the background was a good illustration of the car culture of L.A. but too depressing.

We passed my hometown of Altadena, Nasa and JPL (Jet Propulsion Labs--the ones who just successfully launched a Mars mission) , the Rose Bowl (of football fame) and Rancho Cucamonga, of no obvious interest save perhaps the name.

Finally after 7 hours on the ever crowded Interstate in 100 plus degree temperatures we finally arrived in Fallbrook at my brother's house, which we fondly refer to as "the resort".

Ozzie ran straight through the front door, through the house , out the back door and into the swimming pool.

OilMan got himself a beer.

We all greeted my niece and her family, and I decided (with her help) that this picture of Emma,emerging from the pool was definitely the best thing of the day.

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