what we did today...

By SarnieV

10+ miles

Ran 10miles from Penicuik over the Moir road to the other side of West Linton with this lovely bunch. Had a bowl of homemade soup at Yan's then ran the 2miles back to West Linton for a lift home. 4 then ran back to Penicuik for their 20miles.
My plantar fasciitis isn't very impressed with me...possibly 12 miles was a bit too far for it :-( but I couldn't resist such a lovely run opportunity. Psychologically it was very good for me as I now think in 3 months I will be able to run 26.2miles...as long as the PF clears up!
A has removed two old water tanks from the roofspace next to the room to be C's, and replaced another section of the wall with kingspan. Slowly slowly the room is being insulated - it really had next to none, no wonder it was an oven in the summer and freezing in the winter!

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