taking a breather

Another soul refreshing day on my motorcycle journey. I rode up and down 2 mountain passes on my way from Wyoming into Montana. The first pass, the one you see here, did not get above tree line so I was infused in the fragrance of pine the whole way. I have now experienced first hand the relaxing benefits of breathing slowly and deeply for a long period of time!
The second pass was over 10,000 feet and quite chilly. It was odd to be looking down on the soaring birds.
The last bit of the ride was through rolling ranch land - very hot again, but the wide open spaces spoke volumes.
Ahhh....oh, and speaking of ahh, the mineral soak last night truly healed all my aches and pains. I rode as long and as far today without any ill effects! But the silver ring I wore into the bath turned a ghastly copper/purple color - which I remedied with a little toothpaste scrub.

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