An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

'Don't Moan about What Rubbish is on TV!'

Ditch the TV, grab the tripod, squelch across muddy fields, wander off the footpath a little, photograph the night sky! 


Oh, and have a nice hot bath when you return a couple of hours later, as a reward. Ah, got the photos but not the bath...

One shot had a shooting star, but the rest of the image was not quite up there with this one, with Venus and which has the slightly clouded over half moonlight behind me giving the foreground just enough  illumination and the very last remnants of dusk sunset glow and with a slight reddish tinge from streetlights a few miles away  - which I actually toned right down.

OK, the crap TV is still there when you've got back but at least YOU have created something yourself, listening to hooting owls and got some VERY fresh COLD air....

So surprised at the popularity of yesterday's crow with cows Blip yesterday - it must have had appeal unknown to me! Huge thanks, as always! 

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