Northern Star

By Lifferz

I worked hard and am ready for bed

I worked really hard today and am a little fed up- time seems to be quickly running out. I set myself a task of reducing a document by 8,000 words and several hours later I reduced it by only 4, 000 (having re-written and added to much of it!) Tomorrow is another day. Dinner at Chillis where I had death quesedillas (sp??) ....i.e far too much cheese. The service was yawnfully slow but the waitress was cheery and constantly apologetic...

This is me on the way back to the hotel. The swimming pool is above marked with the stripes (I haven't been in it yet-too busy!) I hadn't blipped today so it is a bit of a last minute lame attempt I am afraid. It was this or my thesis, ot a pad of yellow paper I just bought marked 'Proper pad'.

I am either really hot or really cold here. Outside at night it is humid but lovely and balmy. Inside the air conditioning everywhere is freezing. I turned it off for a couple of hours today just for respite!

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