Plus ça change...

By SooB

The Sherlock Jumping Off Building

Long day....

Picking up from where we left off in November, we made another attempt to go to the Alexander Fleming Laboratory at St Mary's Hospital. And amazingly, it was open! A really interesting outing with a fantastic guide who really brought it all to life and was clearly on top of all the science stuff too.

Lunch at the usual diner with Mr B, then we took a bus up to the Museum of London. Great museum, but I think our attention levels peaked in the first few rooms as we hadn't realised it was quite so big. Despite having worked not far away for years, I had never realised that London Wall is an actual real wall.

On through the Barbican where I warbled on about architecture and urban planning until - surprisingly quickly - the kids' eyes glazed over. They were impressed with the scale of it, and it linked in well with a book we were looking at in the Museum of London with detailed maps of all the bomb damage during World War Two (it was built to lure folk back into the bomb-damaged city).

A short stroll then to Smithfield where the William Wallace Memorial probably took the edge off CarbBoy's wish to watch the end of Braveheart. And then just around the corner we stumbled across this building.

Home to be all traditional and have dinner waiting for the returning worker, then more Sherlock.

I should just remind myself that, heading out late to our local high street with a shopping list which rather optimistically included rocket, I not only found it, but managed to get Italian wild rocket! In fact, the only list fail was Battenburg cake...

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