Mourão by Moonlight

Having real trouble staying asleep at night - this was looking out of our bedroom balcony at about 3am - the town was so quiet - all I saw moving was a cat slinking along the road. It wasn't warm - about 5 degrees, I guess. Loved the way the moonlight caught the edges of the roof tiles, and the fact that the church door, up in the castle, is kept lit all night.

Good time at lunchtime- we went to the Adega Velha, and I quizzed Zé Maria on all the intricacies of the bullfighting - he'd seen us there; his son was one of the forcados. Apparently, we missed the best bit - two more horse riding fighters, and he laughed that I'd spent half the night praying for the forcado I'd thought was injured - he said the man had meanwhile been there in the Adega, merrily celebrating - we should have ventured out... next time.

Now to figure out what is disturbing my sleep - maybe just too much change all at once.

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