Catedral con Corazones

Well today's been a bit unexpected, poor Asha was up lots of the night coughing til she was no school today & off to the docs as she's been fighting something for a while now...Her lungs are clear, but the doc gave me the name of a decongestant to buy, so hopefully that'll soon do it's job... So all my days plans were cancelled!
But this evening we decided to go for a little walk around the Old Town and get some fresh air...still inspired by the heart bokeh, I took my little cardboard filter & had a play around! I quite liked this one of the Cathedral... 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) There being nothing seriously wrong with Asha...and the doctor being kinder to her this time!
2) Bumping into Soli from Sa Penya on our evening walk (José's wife).
3) Being able to cancel everything at no notice to look after Asha.

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