Not the Dogs B*****

But biscuit dogs! Wacky Wednesday ?   Early start for Mrs A S with the farrier at 7.30 , while I fed and walked Willow who is doing well. Thank you for all the wishes and love. It was then on to collect Jimmy for his lesson which went well, the light bulb flashes on and off still but the improvement is ongoing and building. I then went for another fitting of my corrective insoles while Mrs A S was having an eye test. New glass to come for Mrs A S and some fine tuning to my soles to straighten up gait.
The biscuits were from a friend along with a bottle of red for a very small favour we did, not expected but very welcome!
Take care one and all. 
PS link to FB album of Sundays Steampunks on Sunday. Here  Blogspot to follow later.

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