Hector's House

By MisterPrime

Hector's Hat

Apologies for the funny dog photo, but Katie insisted that this should be today's blip - I think Hector's expression probably says everything you need to know about his opinion of this latest indignity...! I quite enjoyed 'Fire in the Water' last night (and it was loud enough in places to mask my coughing) - in particular there was some sixties footage in the early part of the film that was absolutely beautiful: grainy slo-mo black and white stuff of Jagger being mobbed by stage-invaders during 'Street Fighting Man' (I read an interview with him once where he said that fans would hit the stage with little idea whether they were going to kiss him or hit him) whilst the camera captures a perfect demonic smile from Brian Jones, clearly relishing being at the dead centre of the maelstrom - then cut to a Vietnam protester with a placard reading 'Eat What You Kill.' The stuff with Nathalie Delon wandering about the highlands and staring at her own reflection in rivers, looking at birds and things and then either jumping in a waterfall or attaining some kind of alchemical union with nature (whatever!) were equally pretty but somewhat less compelling. It was the last film in a short season, 'Bad Trip', a kind of death of the sixties thing, where the highlight for me was last weeks showing of Jodorowsky's 'The Holy Mountain', which was almost as much of a full-out assault on the senses as it's reputation maintains (unfortunately - or perhaps fortunately - I was far too tired after the holidays to bang on about it at the time...)

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