Day Six: Bremer Bay

It rained, no it bucketed down all night!! this very unseasonal weather is said to hang around for the next 2-3 days, the cyclone is bring in some very heavy rain although its not packing too much wind, the low has reached Perth too but the temps are a little higher there than here in the South West corner, we are down from 36c the other day to a low of 15c today, just as well we thought to pack some of our Winter gear just in case, it looks more of a Winter getaway instead of a Summer break, haha.
we arrived in Bremer Bay and drove along the 'Point Henry Drive Trail' stopping off at a few bays along the way, although the bays don't look their best with the weather at the moment i quite like the dramatic look of the clouds and the dark threatening skies.
The weather isn't stopping us enjoying our time travelling around in the van, we are having heaps of fun despite those dark clouds and the rain.
We are staying here overnight and heading over to Albany tomorrow. 

Thank you all so much for your lovely comments, sorry the blueness has disappeared but bear with me they will be back!! :-)) 

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