If Trump were a flower....

He would be a Venus flytrap attracting insects and arachnids  —with a big mouth and snaring them with his tiny hands and the little hairs of his weave. He has made a sticky mess with reckless, unconnected promises, not much longer than tweets, to get elected, and now he’s just checking off each one, without thinking through the linkages among them or anticipating second-order effects.
Some of the executive orders Trump has signed in his first three weeks in office, including: selling guns to “the severely mentally ill,” allowing mining companies to “dump their toxic waste into a stream,” letting oil companies no longer “report the bribes they get anymore from third-world dictators,” and stripping a “fiduciary rule that prevented financial advisors from ripping off their clients

Trump was all about helping the little guy.  How does letting a coal company dump the sludge in the river help the little guy?” 

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