Maywick in February

A really cold day, but a lovely sunny morning.  The sunny spells continued in the afternoon, but there was wintery showers.  It's a fine evening tonight.

I've had the day off today, and up early to enjoy it.  Me and Sammy got out for walkies after breakfast, and I even managed to get washing out, and in fairly dry :)  Me and mam went down to Maywick in the afternoon, and popped along friend Christina Longhill.  We popped by sister Laura on the way home.  I went to the pictures tonight to see Trainspotting T2, I enjoyed the film but certainly not as good as the first one.  More walkies tonight, and now the sofa and telly are calling. 

After visiting Christina, me and mam walked to the beach, and relived mam's childhood memories, and some of mine too.  It used to be such a picturesque hamlet, but still holds great character.  Looking south from the beach path, with Jeemie White's house in the centre, and the ruins of mam's old house on the left with the chimney.  Taken at Maywick. 

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