
Over to Worcester today ready for the nurses league meeting this evening. I love to enter this building which was the old Infirmary and now the University. I 'see' it as it was in 1963 when I started my training. Times were happy, sad, exciting, frightening and many other things, but it always gives me a warm feeling, like going home.

I delivered all the AGM invites ready to have the magazines added and posted out. I also announced that I am resigning from the committee in order that they can use my space to recruit a minutes secretary. Non of the existing members are prepared to do the job, so they need to get someone else

For a few minutes I think the committee were a bit scared / horrified that I was resigning completely, but B and I will still manage the website and membership database. At the next meeting we will discuss the invites 'job', but I expect that I will still be doing it next year and the next....!! But being ever the diplomat I am offering to hand over all, some, a little bit of the responsibility!!! But as one old sage commented, no one wants the responsibility so you are welcome to it 'girl'!!!

He remembers me as an 18 year old, asking to be let in to the nurses home after 11pm if I had a 'late pass'. We had to go to Matron's office to ask if we could stay out later!!! Oh how times have changed!!!!

After the meeting B collected me, to go back to the Premier Inn by the motorway and to the restaurant for dinner. I was too tired to blip before going to bed.

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