Strike that. Reverse it!


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Today's prompt.

End of term thank goodness. Today had been going well. Ok not well but better than the rest of the week. Had a friends child to take on the school runs this morning. Made a big difference as both boys got ready early and I think for the first time since sept we weren't late.... that's my late, not actually late late. Two schools two towns adds pressure when I'm late for first drop off. So it was going well.

Work was blah but then it always is. Finished early to do school runs. It's hailing by this time. Tommy's late out, making me wait 25 minutes in the hail. Get back to car and an idiot reverses into me at the junction. Mirrors fgs... they are there to be used. Gets out car he apologises and says he just didn't see me. I know look in the mirror. I could've been a child.... so I'm now even later for picking up Mikey. Of course by the time I get there I'm greeted by a very grumpy tween... irrelevant what the reasons may be. So I had a crying Tommy from the shock of the bump and a grumpy tween. Oh boy I need this weekend. So I'm not moving. I'm staying here and not moving for a while.

I hope you've had a much better Friday than I have. Sorry for the whine but haven't moaned about it yet so I'm afraid blip got it lol.

Here's to a fabulous weekend xx

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