a new year!

By Thesalh70

The long and winding tram

Dodge nights sleep, awake for a couple of hours, but still felt more refreshed today than I did yesterday!

The weather was also fresher today. Gone was the blue sky and sunshine, and instead were gloomy rain threatening clouds. Am still enjoying the later starts to work too, knowing that this time next week it'll all be over and bumper to bumper on the a610!

Into work and Rachel's coffee (not ash's!) kicks off my morning! A good morning, got lots done. Planned on a wander out at lunch, wanted to purchase a new camera lens, but it was chucking it down. Instead I booked myself on a photography course starting in October! Can't wait.

Afternoon flew by and had a meeting with mr pick last off which was good.

Home and on the Phoenix line. Actually got a seat and as I was listening to foos on my iPhone, I looked up and saw everyone facing me. No one speaks, no one smiles, everyone just looks ahead! So...sneakily took a pic! Tram life eh!

Tonight watching the launch of the Paralympics and also looking at train fares to see if I can soak up any Olympic atmosphere before its over....

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