'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Happiness is...

... feeling confident enough to paddle the Lower Dart unguided. S and I had a great time and it made us really think about the features coming up and lines to take. Although I did take a swim due to not paying attention and a bit of complacency!

Edit - just realised this is my 1095 blip birthday- great to celebrate it with an image of me in my element!

Three beautiful things:
Getting out on the water - it was pretty cold with snow flurries and somehow all the better for it!

The sight of a buzzard perched on the gate at the bottom of the driveway. Followed by a sighting of two buzzards sharing the same branch a little further on.

Fish chowder - perfect for warming up with.

One thing to be grateful for:
Thermal tights!

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