
By misswinterfinch

Saturday Snow Day

 We will have seven days coming in a row now with snow, cold, etc., so... today I spent a depressing afternoon watching * DT 's favorite film-- Citizen Kane
I blipped the screen title from my TV screen so it is a bit out of kilter
I read that it is his fav. film made/released in 1941 by the young Orson Welles. His first film and last directed because Hearst did all he could to destroy the print of the film & Welles' career in revenge. 
... all reminding me of why it may be DT's favorite and how he may have learned his leadership skills. Welles never directed another film and he was only 25!! 
Listening to the scripted dialog and words coming out of Hearst's mouth sound just like another egomaniac we hear nowadays. 
As when Hearst loss his election for State Governor his newspaper ran a headline shouting FRAUD AT THE POLLS!!
Sickening really to see the parallels... But a brilliantly made film.

* A woman's group who marched two weeks ago in the big world wide march, suggested that from now on  'DT' will stand for "he who shall not be named" (as in Harry Potter).

A large number of lines in the film dialog come right out of DT's mouth. I think it may have had something to form his character.

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