
By memento

What a Morning Glory wants

The eight puny, struggling vines have morphed into a great, big, hairy beast, engulfing the one corner of the pergola. On all the outermost tendrils there hang small clusters of buds that will swell and start opening up soon. To help it along and cool it down on a hot but beautiful day, I sprinkled it. I can't wait for the large, blue blooms, for it has certainly taken its sweet time.

Wondering why there have been so few blooms, I Googled what it is that a Morning Glory wants. Besides the obvious, it states that they dislike being too wet or too dry, too hot or too cold. Well excuse me, perhaps if it had some sort of comfort meter that I could check on a daily basis?

I'm revisiting a photo restoration project that I took on as a personal challenge. There isn't a centimeter that isn't occupied by a crack or a small chunk missing. It requires rebuilding faces and clothing and a very large chunk of a classroom floor. A photo shoot will be required to create the lower right corner, then some ageing to feather it in. It is the first project of its type and scope I've embarked on and also the last.

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