
By RetiredDBA

Another cold day

The strong easterly wind brought more low temperatures today. Late morning we set out on the repeat of the walk I did last week over Hampsfell, through Cartmel and back with a few minor changes and this time accompanied by G who had returned from Phoenix. We enjoyed the walk up onto the fell though it wasn't the day to stand and admire the views. We ventured up onto the top of the hospice and which was even more exposed and then descended into Cartmel where we found some respite in the King's Arms. After warming up over some Wolf beer from the very local Unsworth Yard brewery we braved the elements again. This time  I headed up the road past the racecourse towards Wood Broughton before crossing the fields to return home. The small beck in the picture seems to be called Muddy Pool according to the OS map which doesn't sound very flattering. The little footbridge was nonetheless quite quaint.

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