
By JoJoGlister

Winter Running........ Day 2

Well I woke still sore and with some knee pain but I went out to the start line and the weather was a little kinder. Still cold but no snow or rain today.
My knee progressively got worse through the day but I tried to ignore it as much as I could!
I did the first three laps and then planned to review. I knew time was ok but the battle was all in my head. It would have been very easy to stop at many points, but I wanted to achieve one of my running dreams today and after a previous failed attempt, I was very determined.
So on I pushed, and eventually I got there.
I achieved my first ever back to back marathons. Today was no 10, such an amazing achievement for me. I couldnt manage this last year, and I worked hard for it today. One more running ambition done!

Unfortunately the pain is now very bad. (My own fault!) so tomorrow will definately need to be an 'easy day'.

Proud JoJo tonight :-))))))))))

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