By wellsforzoe

Agricultural College

11th February 2017

For some years now it has been my dream to have some version of a simple Agricultural College to take in students who have completed their final Second Level exam and do simple courses on various aspects of agriculture or horticulture. The idea was to be very simple, very practical, modular training the areas of sustainable conservation farming using green manures and agro forestry techniques.
This year when millions of poor, rural people are starving each day, I thought maybe now is the time.

We are supporting 184 girls to take up their places in Secondary and joining a few dots,  they will be our first students.

We had decided to keep out Saturday girls back after classes on Saturday mornings, always for food, but introducing games, dance ,drama and a bit of fun, sadly lacking in many lives, but extending the thought Jacquie has decided that they should all learn to grow their own food.
Anyone who opts for this project will have lessons each Saturday. Last week it was compost making at the factory. Today it was a visit to fruit tree seedling production at Lusangazi  Farm
During the Summer school holidays this might lead to a Summer Camp on Horticulture. Who knows where it will lead, but we must give it a go.

The picture shows Adamson the team leader and expert in apples with Prominence and some girls and some potted seeds, soon to move for budding or grafting in our greenhouses.
The course will certainly have an extra emphasis on forestry and climate Change issues.

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