No Marshmallows For His Hot Chocolate...

Woke up this morning to the silence that wasn't the heavy rain that was predicted..good news you might think but not when it's freezing cold and the last thing you want to do is go to dressage but having paid a hefty entrance fee the only reasonable option would be for it to be cancelled with a full refund... no such luck!

Sushi was absolute Super Groom and as he stood on the sidelines trying to keep warm by wrapping himself in Johnny's rugs, I did feel a pang of guilt...especially when they had no marshmallows for his hot chocolate in the cafe.

But we survived and despite the cold Johnny put in a creditable effort with a 2nd and 3rd place and crucially getting a better score than two weeks ago.

As it took us a serious amount of defrost time, it was a late blip in the near darkness...luckily at this time of year snowdrops look welcoming in any light.

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