A Day, turned Beautiful.

Two years ago on Friday the 13th we lost our Mum, she'd been unwell for a quite a time, she had dementia and Parkinson's. But, we miss her. My sister and I went out for lunch together, we shared a panini and chips there was a bit of salad with it too, Mum would have loved that. It hasn't been a maudlin day, in fact we laughed over many things. Mum would have loved it that 'us girls' were out together. So this is what we saw as we were out, I said stop there's a Kestrel in that bush so Nicki stopped and she sat back so that we could both get it, she said oh it's not looking at me, so I said called it, but I still had my camera on to quick catch it which I did in extras, it flew off!

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