
So I woke up to the alarm clock - from a deep sleep beliveing that I already had missed the train. Waken up properly I realized, that I will be on time, no problem. A quick breakfast and walk to the bus stop to catch the morning train to Helsinki - not a single excuse to skip the long 11-12 hour, harsh day with no lunch time... slippery way, bad sho choice for the weather...

Really a long day. Felt almost dizzy after all the meetings and after all the f...d up problems of the day, as I walked to the bus stop in Helsinki - was so tired that I did not try to walk to the railway station. And there he was - one friendly and kind bus driver of Helsinki. Maybe the only one. However he waited for me at the bus stop. And as I tried to pay the fare and - uuuppps surprise - had no money loaded in the paycard, but he just said that pay the next fare then. whaat ? I thanked again. Unbelieveable man. 

After I had bought a doggy bag of hamburger, coke and fries, I hurried to the train. Fully loaded one it was. I ate standing in the corridor, then sat by a cup of chocolate in the train cafeteria. A growded and noisy cafeteria felt bad, some half drunk passengers yelling, so I escaped into another department, captured this sunset blip on my way there, from moving train. - And finally found a wheelchair seat (without a seat) to sit down. In a quiet nice full wagon.

Walked shortly on the streets of the hometown before I got the bus back home. 

Nice surprise to "find" one very decent shot from my camera... almost lowered my badly risen blood pressure... ;)

I wonder if I need some agony to be able to make a good shot?


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