Mono Monday :: I Couldn't Live Without...

...Aztec mochas. Ozzie's pretty happy with the spicy chocolatey foam left in the cup when I'm finished too, but he doesn't usually come with me when it's too cold to sit outside. I'm sitting inside today, chatting with a man in a black tie with red hearts all over it.

The Aztek mocha seemed an especially appropriate shot in honor of St Valentine tomorrow, although I have learned from a comment in Freespiral's journal that he wasn't actually such a romantic fellow....Neither is OilMan for that matter, but I'm cutting him a lot of slack because he bought me a new red stove, which my Italian neighbor calls our "Ferrari stove" because it was painted at the Ferrari factory.

I had coffee with Bob, a fellow Pilates classmate (Pilatelist?) this morning. He's been missing from class for a couple of weeks because he fell off his roof. I told him the story of OilMan walking straight into a hole in the closet floor....

I'm going across the street for a pair of knitting needles so I can finish the sleeves of a daffodil yellow cardigan I am making...hopefully before it starts raining again on Wednesday....

More importantly, it appears that water is no longer flowing over the heavily damaged emergency spillway of the Oriville Dam. After being told for a week that there was no immediate danger from the water that appeared to be gushing out of a large hole in the dam, at 4pm yesterday 130,000 people were told that they had an hour to evacuate their homes.

Easier said than when 130,000 confused and angry people are all hitting the road at the same time. Thank you to those of you who confessed concern...we are not affected, although I really feel for all those who are.

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