Hungrey Caterpillar

An early up load this afternoon, and I took the easy route.  

Did some shopping for the kids this morning.....two cartons of the locally made pies (frozen) and some shopping for Lexi.  The Very Hungry Caterpillar has always been a favourite, deal today buy one get a second book 1/2 price, hence his other book The Bad Tempered Ladybird.  
Then of course the wee lookalike soft toy caterpillar just leapt into the shopping bag as well.  Our case is almost filled with her parcels and her parents pies.  But then, we didn't send over her Christmas prezzies as we knew we would be there soon it turns out not as "soon" as we had hoped.

We leave home at 2 am in the morning, for the trip to the airport.  We are expected to be there 2 hours before our flight which leaves at 6.15 am.  Taking the time differences, we will be in Brisbane at 7 am, a two hour wait for our connecting flight to Townsville arriving just before 11 am.

Had a text from Lexi's Mum just before, 36.7 deg and rising, phew.

The fires on the Port Hills Christchurch are horrendous and have taken a life, one of the helicopters has crashed, now all the helicopters have been grounded.  One home and sheds has been burnt to the ground and many others in terrible danger.  Then there is the fires up Hastings way, also horrendous.  
Not to mention the New South Wales which are devastating to the max. It is just incomprehensible that some (maybe all) these fires have been lit intentionally.  I feel for all these folk, and seeing them and the devastation brings me to tears.

Lawns mowed (Doug), edges cut & roses tidied up (me)

See you on the other side of the ditch.


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