On reflection ...

Mae'r saffrymau wedi dechrau blodeuo yn y parc. Tynnais i nifer o luniau ohonyn nhw dros amser cinio, ond, ar y ffordd yn ôl i'r gwaith, stopiais i wrth gar i groesi ffordd a welais i adlewyrchiad Prifysgol yn y sgrin wynt.  Felly heddiw dyma'r llun.  Blodau yfory, efallai.

Es i i ddosbarth Cymraeg heddiw.  Mae'r tiwtor wedi dechrau defnyddio fy nhestun Blipfoto fel fy ngwaith cartref ac mae hi wedi marcio fe. Diolch yn fawr iddi am hwn. Mae gyda fi ychydig o gywiriadau  i wneud i rai o gofnodion

The crocuses have started blooming in the park. I took several pictures of them at lunchtime, but, on the way back to work, I stopped to by a car to cross the road and I saw a reflection of the University in the wind screen. So today is the picture. Flowers tomorrow, maybe.

I went to Welsh class today. The tutor has started using my Blipfoto text as my homework and she has marked it. Many thanks to her for this. I have  few corrections to make some entries.

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