Rosie in the reed-grass

After the excitement of yesterday's trip to the Norfolk coast, it was good to have a quiet day at home, especially as the weather was back to it usual mix of sullen grey clouds and rain. The dogs and I had a very slow morning walk along the river, as Gemma seemed particularly tired, but there was little of wildlife interest. Towards the end of the walk they both enjoyed a paddle in one of the shallower areas of the river, and I caught Rosie emerging amongst the reed sweet-grass.

She's been suffering from a skin allergy over the last few days. She had been very itchy , so we treated her for fleas, but her sore patch became considerably worse after this. We've been bathing it with Hibiscrub, but she licks it at night, preventing any chance of healing. We gave her a good comb to check whether there were any fleas still present, but didn't find any evidence, though we removed a very large quantity of her undercoat, which she doesn't seem to moult easily any more. I can see that if there's no progress in the next day or so, we'll be making a trip to the vet.

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