
Cyclops is away, and MrsCyclops didn’t have high hopes for the day with CyclopsJnr still having a nasty cold and cough but it turned out busy and fun.

First we had the dentist – CyclopsJnr’s fifth visit and entirely routine.  All his teeth in place now, and officially counted!  Then we got a bus along to the Quarry to pick up some things from the shops and play at a different park for a change.  Then a walk home along the cycle path.

After lunch we got the bus along to Ocean Terminal (top deck for a treat!) as they had some half term holiday activities on and finally CyclopsJnr is old enough to be able to appreciate some of them!  CyclopsJnr had his face painted as an owl which he was thrilled about, then we saw a variety of real owls on display, then we both went on a two-story high helter skelter, then CyclopsJnr went on a bouncy slide a few times (film here).  He asked to go on the waltzer and so on, but he is of course still too little.  We had a great time nevertheless.

Unfortunately CyclopsJnr was gutted when the owl was washed off in the bath.

P.S. Oh my gosh, CyclopsJnr is 1,000 days old today!!!

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