
By heartstART

Got your 'back

Redback spiders are indigenous to Australia and can also be found in New Zealand. This member of the cosmopolitan genus of widow spiders has apparently travelled far and colonies have been found in Japan and Belgium. They like to live in and around human habitat and are mainly nocturnal, concealing themselves by day.

The female is the dominant of the species; males usually live on the periphery of the web and eat leftovers. Redback ladies are venomous and use their triangular webs of silk and two fangs to trap and kill their prey of insects and other spiders before sucking out their insides.

She can cause severe harm and is responsible for most serious spider bite incidents in Australia. The pain for the unfortunate human who gets bitten travels along the affected limb from the site of the bite and can last for days causing nausea, vomiting and headaches.

Daniel my nephew found this redback residing near the back door and decided to give it another home inside a pickle jar. He's going to feed and care for her. I hope the jar is airtight. This is what inviting trouble might look like.

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