Every picture tells a...

By Eptas


...for the sky.

Bindweed doing what it does best.

Big bindweed

Top 10 funniest one-liners at the 2012 Edinburgh Fringe:
1. Stewart Francis "You know who really gives kids a bad name? Posh and Becks."

Their kids' names:
Brooklyn Joseph, Romeo James, Cruz David, and Harper Seven.

It happened on this date:
1888 6th Lord Walsingham shot 1,070 grouse in one day on Blubberhouse Moor in Yorkshire. He fired 1,510 cartridges during 20 drives and twice killed three birds with a single shot. In the following January, he shot the most varied bag ever recorded: 191 kills of 19 different species, ranging from 65 coots to a rat and a pike shot in shallow water.
He must have had one hell of an appetite!

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