Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Meet Bart Clarke

Today was hair day.  As Freespiral says:  restoring colour to natural colour, cut and dry.  My hairdresser sold her salon over two years ago  and now does home visits.  Another friend comes to my place after work and then there is a lot of chatter and we both have some styling as well.  Today my hairdresser brought her dog Bart.  He is an Egyptian Greyhound and a sweet boy.  Poppy was a bit too much in his face and there was pandemonium until everyone settled down after about an hour and a half.  So much for keeping Hamish quiet.  Still, the bandage is off and the stitches are still in place even without the collar of shame.  I gave up on it with him when he stood transfixed for an hour when I put it on him and then started crying.  I am not made of such stern stuff to persevere with that when he was so distressed.  I believe there is a better one like one of those neck travel rings which I will look into if there is ever a next time.

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