
By PixelChristi


I'm ridiculously proud.

It's a blurry mess of a picture I know, but it has meaning to me, more than any other.

I've been unable to teach my monkey how to ride a bike because of all the illness nonsense that's happened to me over the last few years. I let it slide, and as the years went on, it irked me more and more. I considered asking someone else to do it, but for some reason (selfishly I guess) I desperately wanted to do it myself.

She's 11 now, and yesterday she still couldn't ride a bike. Today, she can. And I taught her :)

It's a tiny thing in the grand scheme, but it means more than I really expected. I'm hugely proud of my monkey. She tolerates everything life throws her way, and whenever she's asked to, she delivers in spades.

Also. Hello folks. Slumbering Bear of the North emerging from his sleepy cave.

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