A MIMent In Time

By justmim

After last weekend was a bit of a washout, I have found myself really appreciating the snippets of blue sky that I've been managing to catch during the day this week. I think sometimes we need the changing seasons to keep us thankful!

The day felt a little unproductive in some senses and less so in others. I am finding myself really distracted by the flat hunt so I think I need to push that to the back of my mind a bit more next week. It was helpful to get out for a lunchtime walk with two of my colleagues and chat it through with them, particularly as they are more experienced in the ins and outs of what to look for! Happily, we have now found somewhere that we want to view so that's a good start.

School break means no Rainbows so it was nice to enjoy a quiet evening of crafting instead.

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